Thursday 29 September 2011

Human Hand Sketches

These are the sketches of my own hands that I drew within my sketchbook. I took photos off my hand so I could be able to draw them without having to keep my hand in the same place for so long. I enjoyed sketching my hands the most out off the feet and head/face one's, because off how i could position my hand and then have my fingers go at all different angles so I could have more of a intresting sketch piece.

Hand Sketches:
Hand Sketch 1 (Bone Structure Underneath)

This is my first hand sketch, it has been a long time since I have had to sketch
hands because I don't like doing them, takes me out my comfort zone but if
I need to do them to get where I need to get too then I will. Enough of that back to the sketch
not bad I guess for a first sketch of my hand but still needs alot of work on the proportion.

Hand Sketch 2 (Bone Structure Underneath)

On the second one i wanted to go for a bit more tone and texture but with this in mind
it did take the longest to do out of the lot of them so got to work on that.

Hand Sketch 3 (Bone Structure Underneath)

This one was a fun one to do because of the shape it gave when i clenched my fist
and how the knuckles showed up, did enjoy this sketch.

Hand Sketch 4 (Bone Structure Underneath)

This one was also quite a fun sketch to do, I wanted to challenge myself with different
positions for me to sketch and I didn't think that I did to bad on this one to be honest.

Hand Sketch 5 (Plus Bone)

This was the last sketch of my hand that I did, pretty basic and also i added in the bone
stucture on the top right corner of in my sketchbook.

All an all doing this sketches has been good for me to get into a new habit and get used to doing hand and feet sketches, because I know this will help greatly in my improvement in becoming a CG Animator. Got to know the basics.

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