Tuesday 18 October 2011

Life Drawing 4.0

Within this weeks class we took on another technique with tutor Chris, which was measuring the human body and limbs using our pencil and thumb to measure up the models body parts and get a rough measurement of what it would be like on the A1 sheet. This was a slow process but a very accurate one at that. I’ve personally never done that before for a sketch but I’m always open to new ideas within this course.

(I apologize for the sketches being so dark, I used a soft lead pencil so the sketch lines didn’t come out dark enough on the page and the photo, and when I adjusted the curves on Photostop to fix this problem this is the best I could do).

I did four sketches within this week’s class; the first two were quick 2minute sketches of the model doing a number of poses just to see how quick we can work with a short time span. Which was fun but a little tedious after about 6-7 sketches.

The other two sketches were long period sketches which were around 30minutes for the first and 35-40 for the second if I remember correctly. I enjoyed doing the last two because of constantly measuring the models body parts to analyze and give estimate of it on the paper to draw accurate sketches.

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